Meet the Team

At Motion Fitness we have a really friendly bunch of staff, eager to help you out with your training, make you a delicious smoothie or assist you with your nutrition.


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Lori Thain (Gym Manager)

Lori has been with Motion Fitness for the past 2 years.  She has worked in the Leisure & Fitness Industry for 13 years with experience in both public and private sectors.
Lori manages all aspects of the gym, making sure customers and staff are working in a safe and healthy environment.  She is also a fully qualified Group Exercise Instructor in Spinning, Kettle Bells, Boogie Bounce and Aqua Aerobics.
Lori was a competitive swimmer back in her day and has always enjoyed sport and exercise.

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Chloe Cowie (Gym Assistant & Instructor)

Chloe has been with Motion Fitness since we first opened back in 2016. Chloe has worked her way up from a junior assistant to gym assistant and instructor. Chloe has always had a passion for fitness since she was young. Getting older she has realised how important keeping fit and healthy is for both physical and mental health, her goal is to help other people realise this too! Chloe is a fully qualified Level 2 Gym Instructor and Level 3 Personal Trainer. She also has other qualifications for specific classes and is currently working on her Nutrition qualification.

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Rianna Findlay (Gym Assistant & Instructor)

Rianna has been with us since 2018 and has worked her way up from being a junior assistant, becoming a Level 2 Gym Instructor and a Level 3 Personal Trainer! Rianna has always been very active and involved in sport and fitness so always knew she wanted to work in the industry.

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Nicole Taylor (Junior Gym Assistant)

Nicole has been with us for almost a year now. She helps with serving customers and taking on the daily cleaning duties at the gym. Nicole is currently away to head into 6th year at BCHS. She also spends some of her time volunteering with the Buckie Boys Brigade P2-3 group which she really enjoys. She has recently completed her Bronze Duke of Edinburgh too. Well Done! Nicole has always had an interest in sport and fitness with being a competitive runner. She now just runs for fun and the enjoyment of the sport.

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Jeannie Whyte – (Fabulous Cleaner)

Jeannie has been with us for almost 2 years now and absolutely loves working at the gym. She is responsible for cleaning the gym except from the equipment. She likes being part of the team and meeting new faces that come in the gym along with the regulars she meets in the morning. Jeannie when she’s not working likes to spend time with her grandchildren like all granny’s do.